
REACTION is affilliated with these programs and organisations:

REACTION is delivering better and more efficient healthcare services in Europe, thus supporting the Commissions activities in ICT for Health: eHealth.

The REACTION platform allows for the creation of inclusive applications with accessibility for all. The project supports the Commissions campaign: eInclusion - be part of it!

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The REACTION project is a 4-year project started in 2010. It is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of Personal Health Systems under Grant Agreement no. 248590

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Read previous issues of our newsletter here:
April 2014
August 2013
June 2012
August 2011
April 2011
November 2010


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Reaction in the press

The REACTION project is generating attention in the press, both printed and digital. Here is a selection of the magazines and papers that have carried articles or news flashes about the project.

Electronic professional mediaeHealth YouTube channel (June 2012)
The REACTION video on safe glycaemic control was launched on the eHealth INFSO YouTube channel in June 2012:

Deutsches Ärzteblatt (April 2011)
Partners MSG, MUG and FHG-SIT wrote an article on REACTION and secure glucose management which was published in the  issue of the German health magazine "Deutsches Ärzteblatt". The magazine is directed at GPs in Germany.
View it here (in German):
Or download it here:

eHealth Newsletter (13-12-2010 and 13-June-2012)
The REACTION project featured in the 13 December 2010 and 13 June 2012 issues of the eHealth newsletter from the European Commission DG INFSO. The newsletter is part of the eHealth portal, which is accessible here:

Elektronik & Data (20-04-2010)
This Danish magazine carried a website article on the REACTION project. The article is in Danish and can be read here:

The REACTION project is represented in the english Wikipedia. There is an overview of the REACTION project here.

EC Thematic portal
The European Commissions Thematic Portal on Information Technology carries the REACTION newsletters for download in their section on Quality of Life. You can see one of the newsletters here.

The ePractice portal ( carries an item about the REACTION deliverable D2-1 Scenarios for usage of the REACTION platform. See the article here.