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The REACTION project is a 4-year project started in 2010. It is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of Personal Health Systems under Grant Agreement no. 248590

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Downloads: inCasa


inCASA is an EU co-funded pilot project. The aim of the inCASA project is the delivery of integrated care for the frail and elderly using interoperable technology platforms and collaborative health and social care services. This presentation will describe outcomes of the inCasa project, which monitors health and behavior on an integrated platform. 200 participants across 5 pilot sites were enrolled onto the service for up to 9 months based on a number of inclusion criteria that were used to measure frailty. These included number of co-morbidities, hospital admissions, falls and completion of the Edmonton Frailty Scale. Telehealth and Telecare devices were installed into participants’ homes. Participants were asked to take a combination of physiological measures such as blood pressure, weight and oxygen saturation as determined by their chronic disease. A patient portal was also used in some cases to gather additional information such as depression scoring. Passive Telecare sensors including Actigraph, PIR, bed, chair, temperature and TV usage sensors sent data about habits and movement within the home. All data was transmitted to a server and algorithms to detect deviations from personalized thresholds and normal routine were applied. Clinicians, psychologists, social workers and other community workers were able to view data and alerts on a portal which managed and prioritised incoming data based on pre-defined rules.
The MAST methodology was used to evaluate the introduction of the service across a number of domains. This presentation will describe the UK pilots approach, the information available from combined monitoring, and the benefits of collaborative delivery of services to frail elderly patients.

16. October 2013 09:55
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