
REACTION is affilliated with these programs and organisations:

REACTION is delivering better and more efficient healthcare services in Europe, thus supporting the Commissions activities in ICT for Health: eHealth.

The REACTION platform allows for the creation of inclusive applications with accessibility for all. The project supports the Commissions campaign: eInclusion - be part of it!

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The REACTION project is a 4-year project started in 2010. It is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of Personal Health Systems under Grant Agreement no. 248590

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The REACTION project has planned an extensive series of deliverables documenting the project results. A large number of these deliverables are available to the public here and can be downloaded after they have been reviewed and approved by the EC.

Deliverable title Delivery

D1-1 Project Quality & Risk Management Plan M01 R CO Finished
D1-2-1 Interim progress reports for the commission M6 M06 R CO Finished
D1-2-2 Interim progress reports for the commission M18 M18 R CO Finished
D1-2-3 Interim progress reports for the commission M30 M30 R CO Finished
D1-2-4 Interim progress reports for the commission M42 M42 R CO Finished
D1-3 Plan for managing knowledge and intellectual property M09 R CO Finished
D1-4-1 Periodic activity, management and financial reports Y1 M12 R CO Finished
D1-4-2 Periodic activity, management and financial reports Y2 M24 R CO Finished
D1-4-3 Periodic activity, management and financial reports Y3 M36 R CO Finished
D1-4-4 Periodic activity, management and financial reports Y4 M48 R CO Finished
D1-5 Final report M48 R CO Finished
D2-1 Scenarios for usage of the REACTION platform M03 R PU Download
D2-2 Clinical watch report M24 R PU Download
D2-3 Technology watch report M24 R PU Download
D2-4 Market and regulatory-standards watch report M24 R PU Download
D2-5 Initial requirements report M04 R RE Finished
D2-6 Prototype application specification M24 R RE Finished
D2-7 Validation framework M12 R PU Download
D2-8 The requirement engineering process M24 R PU Download
D2-9 Updated requirements report M38 R PU Finished
D2-10 Final validation report of the REACTION platform M48 R PU Finished
D3-1 Concept for disposable ePatch platform M18 R CO Finished
D3-2-1 First generation ePatch, Report on integration results M12 R RE Finished
D3-2-2 Final generation ePatch, Report on integration results M48 R RE Finished
D3-3 SOLIANIS Impedance Spectroscopy CGM sensors M12 P+R RE Finished
D3-3-1 I-Cath prototype for clinical testing M39 P+R RE Finished
D3-4 I-Cath prototype for AGC M44 P+R RE Finished
D3-5 IMM IR breadboard device M12 P+R RE Finished
D3-6 IMM IR CGM prototype M30 P+R RE Finished
D3-7 IMM IR AGC prototype M36 P+R RE Finished 
D3-8 Report on glucose sensor development M18 R CO Finished
D3-9 Sensors for glucose measurement, second generation ePatch M36 P+R CO Finished 
D3-10 Survey of commercially available CGM and insulin pumps M12 R PU Download
D3-11 Relevant integrated algorithms implemented and evaluated M24 O+R RE Finished
D3-12 Evaluation of integrated systems & evaluation of 2 algorithms M48 R RE Finished
D3-13 Prototype insulin pumps and pump control for tests M48 P+R RE Finished
D3-14 Report on multi-parametric monitoring sensors M48 R PU Finished
D4-1 Concepts & technology for a unified data fusion architecture M24 R PU Download
D4-2 Initial data structures, taxonomies and ontologies M09 R RE Finished
D4-3 Technical requirements for medical data management M06 R PU Download
D4-4-1 1st Prototypes of data, context and event handling M12 P+R RE Finished
D4-4-2 2nd Prototypes of data, context and event handling M24 P+R RE Finished
D4-5 Integration with emergency centres, results/experience M36 P PU Download 
D5-1 Communication standards within BAN and PAN M06 R PU Download
D5-2 BAN & PAN networking components and implementation M24 P+R RE Finished
D5-3-1 Network Management subsystem implementation & internal development platform M12 P+R RE Finished
D5-3-2 Network Management subsystem implementation M24 R RE Finished
D5-4 Backend network integration M36 R RE  Finished
D5-5 Implementation of event handling systems M36 R RE  Finished
D5-6 REACTION SDK - Software Development Kit tools M36 P+R PU Download 
D6-1 Disease management strategies & risk assessment tools M12 R PU Download
D6-2 Newly discovered diabetes knowledge M24 R PU Download
D6-3 Refined risk assessment engine M46 P+R RE Finished
D6-4-1 1st Computational kernel for mechanistic models M24 P+R RE Finished
D6-4-2 2nd Computational kernel for mechanistic models M36 P+R RE  Finished
D7-1 Security, privacy and trust requirements M21 R PU Download
D7-2 Concepts of trust and architectural implications M12 R RE Finished
D7-3 User empowerment, requirements and concepts M18 R PU Download
D7-4 Virtualisation in distributed healthcare applications M30 R PU Download
D7-5 Safety issues in REACTION applications M09 R PU Download
D8-1 Clinical protocol for MDI compliance M12 R PU Download
D8-2 Clinical protocol for AGC M30 R RE Finished
D8-3 Clinical evaluation of general ward clinical field trial M36 R PU Download 
D8-4 Clinical evaluation of primary care clinical study M42 R PU Finished
D8-5 Clinical evaluation of MDI compliance study M48 R PU Finished
D8-6 Clinical evaluation results of technologies for AGC systems M48 R PU Finished
D9-1 REACTION services in social and cultural contexts M18 R PU Download
D9-2 Regulatory framework and data protection M24 R PU Download
D9-3 Product liability issues in REACTION applications M36 R PU Download 
D9-4 Healthcare economics and reimbursements M12 R PU Download
D9-5 Sustainable business models in diabetes management M40 P PU Finished
D10-1 AmI test bed M06 P+R RE Finished
D10-2 Integration and test plan for BAN/PAN infrastructure M12 R PU Download
D10-3-1 Prototype of backend infrastructure & Integration/test plan M24 P+R RE Finished
D10-3-2 Prototype of backend infrastructure M36 P+R RE Finished 
D10-4 Applications for field trials M24 P+R RE Finished
D10-5 Final REACTION platform prototype M48 P+R RE Finished
D11-1 Feedback from demonstration activities M48 R RE Finished
D12-1 Project website M01 O+R PU Download
D12-2 Market and competitor analysis M24 R RE Finished
D12-3 Plan for dissemination and exploitation of knowledge M48 R RE Finished
D13-1 Teaching material for healthcare professionals M24 R PU Finished
D13-2 Workshop teaching material for business managers M46 R PU Finished
D13-3 Workshop teaching material for healthcare developers M40 R PU Finished

[1] Deliverable numbers in order of delivery dates: D1-1 – D13-3

[2] Month in which the deliverables will be available, Month 0 marking the start of the project, all delivery dates relative to start date-

[3] The nature of the deliverable using one of the following codes: R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other

[4] The dissemination level using one of the following codes: PU = Public, PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services), RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services), CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)